RHA Engineering develops Water Resources Plans, instruments of the National Water Resources Policy, instituted by Brazilian Federal Law number 9.433/1997.
At the state level, the Plan of Water Resources of the State of Rondônia (PERH/RO) was successfully developed with the State Department of Environmental Development of Rondônia (SEDAM). Regarding hydrographic basins, RHA elaborated the Plan for the Hydrographic Basins of Baixo Ivaí and Paraná 1, under a contract with the Institute of the Waters of Paraná (Instituto das Águas do Paraná – IAP). The Plan proposed executive and operational actions, from a local perspective, taking into consideration the characteristics of each sub-basin.
RHA also develops Municipal Water Resources Plans and Socioenvironmental Diagnosis of river basins for the environmental regularization of Preservation Areas located in densely urbanized regions.
The study Industry in the Rio Paranapanema Basin: Water Use and Good Practices stands out as a development of the Water Resources Plans. The study was designed by RHA and Engecorps to comply with measures stated in the Integrated Plan for Water Resources in the Rio Paranapanema Basin (PIRH Paranapanema), appointed as priority by the Water Basin Committee.