The study Qualification of Hydrological Data and Reconstitution of Natural Currents of the Country covered an area of about 8.500.000 km² and reconstituted the series of monthly average natural flows throughout all the Brazilian hydrographic regions. The project contemplated the analysis, consistency and qualification of hydrological data of 230 main fluviometric stations, 404 fluviometric support stations and 2.416 rain stations. The studies also considered the operational data series of 152 hydroelectric projects of the National Interconnected System, whose centralized operation is under the responsibility of the National Electric System Operator – ONS, besides information on the location and flooded area of several dams and artificial reservoirs scattered across the hydrographic basins considered, whose initial universe of analysis exceeded 5.000 artificial water surfaces. The project was developed under the National Water Resources Development Program (PROAGUA Nacional), using resources from the World Bank. It is a study focused on planning and management of water resources simultaneously with the expansion and optimization of infrastructure in order to guarantee the sustainable supply of water in quantity and quality suitable for multiple uses.
The project Consistency of Fluviometric Data of ANA Monitoring Stations in Operation, in its final phase, contemplates the work of consistency analysis covering the available historical series of 1.409 fluviometric stations, from the beginning of its observation until 12/31/2014, distributed in the twelve Brazilian hydrographic regions. The consolidated data of the stations were completed and received a quality grade which indicates the accuracy, consistency and completion of their historical series. Recently, RHA initiated the project Consistency of Fluviometric and Rainfall Data for the Energetic Company of Minas Gerais (Companhia Energética de Minas Gerais – Cemig).
RHA also developed the Consistency of Hydrological Data of Stations associated with diverse Hidroelectric Power Plants from the Paraná State Electric Company (Companhia Paranaense de Energia – COPEL) – HPP Capivari-Cachoeira, HPP Foz do Areia, HPP Segredo, SHP Derivação do Rio Jordão, HPP Salto Caxias, SHP São Jorge, SHP Apucaraninha, SHP Rio dos Patos, SHP Mourão, SHP Chopim 1, SHP Marumbi, HPP Chaminé, HPP Guaricana, HPP Mauá, Hydroelectric Complex Fundão-Santa Clara, SHP Cavernoso 11.