New project: Engineering Technical Services for the Dam Safety Plan of 10 Systems of the Companhia Riograndense de Saneamento (CORSAN).
March 5, 2020As part of the expansion of its projects in Dam Safety, RHA is beginning the designing of the Dam Safety Plan for 10 Systems of the Companhia Riograndense de Saneamento [(CORSAN) Riograndense Sanitation Company].
CORSAN serves about 6 million inhabitants in the Rio Grande do Sul state, or approximately two-thirds of the state population, spread over 316 municipalities.
Dams (municipality): São Miguel (Bento Gonçalves), Semina (Dom Pedro), Casarin (Farroupilha), Guabiju (Pantano Grande), Fazenda da Brigada (Passo Fundo), Lago Dourado (Santa Cruz do Sul), DNOS – Vacaral Mirim (Santa Maria), Saturtino de Brito (Santa Maria), Val da Serra (Santa Maria) e Lajeado Pinheiro (Santiago).
Image: Barragem DNOS. Source: CORSAN