New project: Drawing and reviewing of the Hydrologic Studies of the Dams of the Alto Tietê Provisioning System (SPAT in Portuguese, Sistema Produtor Alto Tietê) as part of the Periodic Dam Safety Review (RPSB in Portuguese).
December 4, 2019Expanding the projects of the Alto Tietê Provisioning System, RHA Engenharia started the composition and reviewing of the Hydrologic Studies of the Dams of the Alto Tietê Provisioning System (SPAT) as part of the Periodic Dam Safety Review (RPSB).
SPAT (Alto Tietê Provisioning System) is a group of five reservoirs (or dams) based between Suzano and Salesópolis, they were designed to take advantage of various hydrological resources, with emphasis on flood control, water supply to users, irrigation, sewage disposal by dilution and leisure.
Image: Ponte Nova (Dam). Souce: Sabesp